A downloadable project


What the heck is going on?!

This KNAVE adventure is for 3-5 low level (Levels 1-3) players, but choices could leave them with a task  requiring long term planning, questing, and leveling to complete. The adventure will begin with a quest to discover the cause of fish raining from the sky, lead to a lake with a mysterious fishery and tea shop that may be mind-controlling people, and uncover the plans of student protesters trying to free a giant fish. Oh, and there are fish people.

Capital City (Capitalicus? Capitatious? CCC?) has been experiencing some strange goings-on and the PCs must figure $#!% out! The adventure will take place in a boggy forest overrun with giant insects, involves misguided students and a profiteering manipulator, and might even take place inside the giant fish lurking in the murky lake. 

The adventurers might do any or all of the following:

• Meet/stop/help the professor trying to free the giant fish from captivity because of “I love Nature” reasons (in The Camp)

• Meet/stop/help the teanist who is keeping her coffers full through a strangely obtained “herbal” ingredient (at the Shop & Fishery)

• Meet/stop/help the Mongers—fish people who claim to live in a magical city inside the giant fish (on Monger Island)

• Meet/stop/help a giant fish (the island itself)

Published 7 hours ago


Monger Lake v 9.24.24.pdf 1.3 MB

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